Thursday, September 3, 2020

Microeconomic Stock Investment Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Microeconomic Stock Investment Project - Essay Example The quantity of offers purchased were 2000, each at US$ 7.94. In conclusion, in the portfolio, GPRN purchased 598 offers each at US$ 5.63. The offer costs show up in the figure 2 beneath. The speculation procedure is to distinguish the patterns and the variety of offer procedure and the quantity of offers exchanged request to conclude whether to purchase a specific stock or to sell. At the point when the stock costs decrease and move towards the base limit, the business choice is to purchase a greater amount of the tock. Then again, if the stock cost develops towards the greatest, the choice is to sell whatever number of the stock as could be allowed. From the phony stock game, the stocks distinguished available to be purchased were CVM at US$ 1.19 and CERE at US $ 1.05. The stock recognized available to be purchased was C at 47.74 and EBAY at US$. 53.96. The common business is affected by inescapable monetary conditions, for example, the variance of stock costs. This makes it hard to set ideal costs at which the choices can be made to either sell or purchase the stocks (Hubbard 77). Furthermore, the business is influenced by liquidity challenges. The purchasing intensity of the business is low as shown by the low acquisition of high worth stock and speculation on momentary premise. The business is set out toward more prominent portfolio size later on since the quantity of selling and purchasing exchanges is dynamic. The quality of the portfolio is centered around broadening, development and keen investigation of the contemporary securities exchange. To be sure, the investigation was pertinent as an apparatus for foreseeing the future elements of this portfolio and

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Visual vs auditory Free Essays

This exploration paper depends on tests that were led with the sole motivation behind decide people’s various inclinations towards different learning and introduction strategies, which means content maintenance and capacity to learn and recall a wide scope of substance that was educated in class. This examination was done on two deferent situations; one analysis was done on individuals in a control domain (study hall) where understudies didn't utilize visual guide in their investigation, while the other condition was not done in the study hall but instead In the open and included the utilization of visual fellow, for example, projectors, diagrams, outline among other visual types of gear. Members attempted their best to record each word they either observed or heard however a few members showed improvement over others. We will compose a custom article test on Visual versus sound-related or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now Both Group An and Group B performed roughly the equivalent. The aftereffect of this examination, which depended on the capacity of the respondents to hold or recollect various words, was recorded in a continuous table which will be broke down in this exploration paper. Introduction Researchers and approach producers the same insinuate the way that for all intents and purposes every single person re visual creatures and not hypothetical creatures, and that they learn better just as recollect or review various realities and data dependent on how these data was passed to them. For instance, investigate has demonstrated that when visual guides, for example, diagrams, charts, projectors among other visual guides are utilized In instructing and introduction, the crowds can expand their statement or substance maintenance to a bigger degree contrasted with when no visual guide are not utilized in introduction and educating (Carol and Roger, 1978). This lab report will lead a top to bottom examination on n explore that was led by 18 members, leveled out and non-control condition comparable to utilization of visual chap In making tests. The examination paper will from that point make proposals, direct a bit by bit investigation on what members did in the analysis, foresee the eventual fate of visual introduction, feature the system that was utilized in leading this investigation, plot the key constraints of the investigation and make an end that depends on the discoveries of this examination. Strategy Participants 18 members that are joined up with an Experimental Psychology class played out a center necessity. The members comprised of 17 female and one male. The members investigated the utilization of visual and outline learning, and how they affected word recognition. The examination utilized basic arbitrary testing in choosing the example size that was utilized in the analyses. Setting This trial occurred in a little room that deliberate mother by mother, there were no windows in this room. The members had 25-30 seating choices; the seats had a wooden work area and metal seats. There was a writing board before the room just as the rear of the room. There was likewise a rectangular table in the front of the room s well as the rear of the room. There was likewise a rectangular table in the front of the study hall. Materials The material’s that was required for this test was arbitrary task sheet, work station, projector and projector screen, ‘phone (sound-related introduction clock), pens or pencils, and pieces of paper w/25 spaces which were PC estimated. Arbitrary task is a technique in sorting out examinations wherein members have equivalent chances of being given to an exact condition of the test. The work station was utilized to look into the words and sounds for the analysis. The erector and the projector screen was utilized to make the introduction progressively clear so all the members could see and hear the introduction. The telephone was utilized as a sound-related introduction and clock. Members utilized pens or pencils to record the information. The piece of paper with the 25 spaces was utilized by the members to record information that was gotten from this analysis. Test Design The investigation configuration was between subject plan. Members were alloted by irregular task they were then positioned in Group An or Group B. Gathering A was given the visual introduction though members in Group B were given the sound-related reservation. Members were being seen by impacts every introduction had on them. Strategy The experimenter haphazardly doled out members got alloted either to Group An or to Group B by the number they got by the experimenter. Gathering B left room while Group A remained. The experimenter at that point gave the members guidelines and a sheet. Members recorded words they recollected then members traded sheets with a schoolmate. The experimenter checked on right words. After that members recorded the all out number of words right they got. Members announced complete number to experimenter. At that point the Participants in Group A the ones that were given a visual introduction ventured outside and Group B the sound-related members entered the homeroom. Gathering B followed indistinguishable strides from Group A, Group was introduced the sound-related introduction through the ‘phone. Results Figure 1 demonstrates the contrast between the two gatherings, Group A performed somewhat one showed that the members in Group A performed better than those in Group B. Gathering A the ones that got the visual introduction which permitted the members to answer progressively address words while Group B had the sound-related reservation which was difficult to hear so it caused an adjustment in results. The mean for Group A was 12. 4444 though the mean for Group B was 10. 6667. The t-test demonstrates that there is no significances. Conversation Predicting the eventual fate of visual guide or visual introduction in the instructing educational program and introduction is a mind boggling issue this is a result of the intense changes that have been seen in for all intents and purposes all parts and how they grasp this idea. For example, in the scholarly and showing calling, the utilization of visual guide or visual software’s, for example, power point introductions has been grasped using Powering introduction both by the students and course facilitators, power point introduction will in general be more visual as opposed to hypothetical and subsequently would help in upgrading the capacity of students to improve their assertion maintenance capacity, alternately, the utilization of Youth instructional exercises is another road that will be utilized all the more every now and again by students later on to discover constant data continuously. These instructional exercises give a visual just as sound bit by bit stream on various research themes to client which improves their statement maintenance capacity Carol and Roger, 1978). What's more, the eventual fate of visual introduction in conferencing and meetings looks splendid. This is made conceivable in light of the utilization of voice over web stages, for example, Keep, where individuals can associate over a wide land area, coming about to trade of data and thoughts among individuals. Remotely coordinating will additionally disentangle just as wipe out all the snags that existed in the conventional condition, since individuals can collaborate at low costs, based whenever it might suit them, and moving starting with one area then onto the next. Since the world has been diminished from the conventional commercial center, to one the cutting edge showcase space, specialists, and experts, for example, educators can have the option to impart data to one another, just as benchmark with one another (Carol and Roger, 1978) Also Carol and Roger (1978) fight to the way that the inconstancy just as dependability of research is somehow improved by recognizing the restrictions of the examination. Fundamentally, this examination paper is dependent upon various confinements in the earth, and segment attributes of various individuals. One, this exploration didn't mull over the distinctive geographic attributes of individuals, for example, age which would influence people’s content maintenance and recognition capacity. For example, elderly folks individuals have a low recognition capacity contrasted with youngsters this is on the grounds that mature age influences a portion of the human cells that expansion word maintenance and recognition. Second, considering the way that recognition and substance maintenance should be possible through examinations, in any case, delicate issues, for example, physiological or intense subject matters that may influence the capacity o review words and recall them all together are hard to set up. Third, time for completing the proposed look into is restricted, as the specialist will work inside severe practicality. Fourth, there is probability of progress of associations or the people viable; this is on the grounds that the examination doesn't think about the drawn out impacts of factors of study (Carol and Roger, 1978)). The examination gave a few proposals for additional exploration and tests on the picked scientist in this manner imagined that exploration be done in different foundations and individuals of efferent age bunches over a more drawn out timeframe so as to set up a superior perspective on flow inquire about. It was additionally proposed that an examination ought to be directed on various learning organizations to build up whether the utilization of visual guide and instructing software’s, for example, Powering introductions have improved the word maintenance of individuals in these schools since these software’s were presented in their learning foundations (Carol and Roger, 1978). In light of the discoveries got in this exploration paper, it is clear that utilization of visual guide, for example, projectors, outlines among other normal materials, upgrade and improve the capacity of individuals to hold, recollect and review various parts of learning like recognition of words during introduction. Albeit, some little incongruities are accounted for on individuals whose memory doesn't rely entirely upon the utilization of visual guide in view of demographical and physiological contrasts in various p

Friday, August 21, 2020

Unemployment hearings Essay Example For Students

Joblessness hearings Essay NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Joblessness INSURANCE Authoritative LAW JUDGE SECTION _____________________________________________ We will compose a custom exposition on Unemployment hearings explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now In the Matter of the Liability for Joblessness Insurance Contributions Under Article 18 of the Labor Law of: JENNIFER PAPULA, Petitioner Respondent, NYS ARC, DC CHAPTER, Business Appellant. Linda Angello Magistrate of Labor _____________________________________________ Standardized savings No.: 070-68-8173 Case No.: 102-2084-0001 Claim Board No.: 505585 Date of Hearing: April 22, 2002 Spot of Hearing: Poughkeepsie, New York Previously: Tracy Roberts Managerial Law Judge Deciphered by: Joann McDonnell Appearances: Clt. : Jennifer Papula Emp.: NYS Arc, DC Chapter Emp. By: Terry Temple, H.R. Dir. Emp. Mind.: Joanne Rohrssen, Witness Maureen Gallagher, Witness __________________________________________ THE MECHANICAL SECRETARY 108-16 72nd Avenue Woods Hills, New York 11375 (718) 268-7900 ALJ MEYER: Testing one two testing testing. OK we are on the record in ALJ case number 302-01153. Todays date is the second of May 2001 or 2002 rather. This conference was booked for eleven oclock yet it is around eleven forty five now and we will proceed with the meeting. It was booked under the steady gaze of Judge Parker yet he is engaged with a long hearing right now we are proceeding simply proceed with this conference. Present in the meeting room is the inquirer Maxine M. Walter and for Hamburg Country Store your name please? MS. POLITI: Bonnie Politi. ALJ MEYER: P o l I t I? MS. POLITI: Yes. ALJ MEYER: Okay and you are the proprietor? MS. POLITI: Yes. ALJ MEYER: Okay and furthermore present in the meeting space for the Department of Labor is? MR. REISCH: William Reisch R e I s c h and I am a Senior Unemployment Insurance Hearing Representative speaking to the Commissioner of Labor. ALJ MEYER: Okay and my name is Susan Meyer I am the Administrative Law Judge who is currently assigned to lead this meeting. I am free and I am unprejudiced and I have no association with the Commissioner of Labors office that gave the underlying assurance for this situation. There are three introductory judgments. The first is you are not absolutely jobless you are ineligible for joblessness protection benefits for the period and reason showed underneath starting 10/23 2000 through 4/29 2001 you were not absolutely jobless. This assurance depends on the accompanying you performed significant administrations for your art business by selling purchasing and making makes. There was additionally an assurance of over installment in the measure of ten thousand 300 and twenty three dollars and it peruses as follows because of the above assurance meaning the assurance of not absolutely jobless you have been overpaid ten thousand 300 twenty three dollars the advantages paid for a considerable length of time after 5/17/98 are recoverable in view of the reasons appeared underneath and on the grounds that you offered really bogus expressions that you didn't work. Presently here is a notification of assurance of wilful bogus proclamations there is a number there are various dates recorded on that assurance starting November fifth 2000 and experiencing April 29th 2001. Also, the content of that underlying assurance peruses as tails you wilfully offered bogus expressions to get benefits therefor your entitlement to additionally benefits among now and 4/28/03 when this punishment terminates is diminished by 200 twelve powerful days. This punishment is forced in light of the fact that you erroneously guaranteed that you didn't work in business or independent work when you realized that you had worked. Presently Ms. Walters did you get duplicates of those conclusions? MS. WALTER: Yes I did. ALJ MEYER: Okay and those are the judgments that you mentioned a consultation on is that right? MS. WALTER: Yes maam. ALJ MEYER: Okay let me disclose to all of you how the consultation will be directed. .uf299ed018b057ba772ad49d4e9deca8f , .uf299ed018b057ba772ad49d4e9deca8f .postImageUrl , .uf299ed018b057ba772ad49d4e9deca8f .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .uf299ed018b057ba772ad49d4e9deca8f , .uf299ed018b057ba772ad49d4e9deca8f:hover , .uf299ed018b057ba772ad49d4e9deca8f:visited , .uf299ed018b057ba772ad49d4e9deca8f:active { border:0!important; } .uf299ed018b057ba772ad49d4e9deca8f .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uf299ed018b057ba772ad49d4e9deca8f { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uf299ed018b057ba772ad49d4e9deca8f:active , .uf299ed018b057ba772ad49d4e9deca8f:hover { haziness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uf299ed018b057ba772ad49d4e9deca8f .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: rel ative; } .uf299ed018b057ba772ad49d4e9deca8f .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enhancement: underline; } .uf299ed018b057ba772ad49d4e9deca8f .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uf299ed018b057ba772ad49d4e9deca8f .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content embellishment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf299ed018b057ba772ad49d4e9deca8f:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uf299ed018b057ba772ad49d4e9deca8f .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uf299ed018b057ba772ad49d4e9deca8f-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uf299ed018b057ba772ad49d4e9deca8f:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Aristotle And Politics Essay All declaration will be made under vow. First I am going to give Mr. Reisch a chance to offer an initial expression on the off chance that he has one and, at that point I will swear you in Ms. Walter and take your declaration and Mr. Reisch and Ms. Politi will be allowed the chance to interview you on the off chance that they have any inquiries for you. At that point I will swear in Ms. Politi and take your declaration and afterward Mr. Reisch and Ms. Walter will be allowed the chance to interview you on the off chance that they have any inquiries for you. On the off chance that any of you have any observers or records that you need . Joblessness hearings Essay Example For Students Joblessness hearings Essay NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Joblessness INSURANCE Regulatory LAW JUDGE SECTION _____________________________________________ We will compose a custom article on Unemployment hearings explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now In the Matter of the Liability for Joblessness Insurance Contributions Under Article 18 of the Labor Law of: JENNIFER PAPULA, Inquirer Respondent, NYS ARC, DC CHAPTER, Boss Appellant. Linda Angello Official of Labor _____________________________________________ Government disability No.: 070-68-8173 Case No.: 102-2084-0001 Advance Board No.: 505585 Date of Hearing: April 22, 2002 Spot of Hearing: Poughkeepsie, New York Previously: Tracy Roberts Authoritative Law Judge Translated by: Joann McDonnell Appearances: Clt. : Jennifer Papula Emp.: NYS Arc, DC Chapter Emp. By: Terry Temple, H.R. Dir. Emp. Mind.: Joanne Rohrssen, Witness Maureen Gallagher, Witness __________________________________________ THE MECHANICAL SECRETARY 108-16 72nd Avenue Woodland Hills, New York 11375 (718) 268-7900 ALJ MEYER: Testing one two testing testing. Alright we are on the record in ALJ case number 302-01153. Todays date is the second of May 2001 or 2002 rather. This meeting was planned for eleven oclock yet it is around eleven forty five now and we will proceed with the consultation. It was planned under the steady gaze of Judge Parker yet he is engaged with a long hearing right now we are proceeding simply proceed with this consultation. Present in the meeting room is the inquirer Maxine M. Walter and for Hamburg Country Store your name please? MS. POLITI: Bonnie Politi. ALJ MEYER: P o l I t I? MS. POLITI: Yes. ALJ MEYER: Okay and you are the proprietor? MS. POLITI: Yes. ALJ MEYER: Okay and furthermore present in the conference space for the Department of Labor is? MR. REISCH: William Reisch R e I s c h and I am a Senior Unemployment Insurance Hearing Representative speaking to the Commissioner of Labor. ALJ MEYER: Okay and my name is Susan Meyer I am the Administrative Law Judge who is currently assigned to direct this conference. I am free and I am fair-minded and I have no association with the Commissioner of Labors office that gave the underlying assurance for this situation. There are three introductory conclusions. The first is you are not absolutely jobless you are ineligible for joblessness protection benefits for the period and reason demonstrated underneath starting 10/23 2000 through 4/29 2001 you were not absolutely jobless. This assurance depends on the accompanying you performed significant administrations for your art business by selling purchasing and making makes. There was likewise an assurance of over installment in the measure of ten thousand 300 and twenty three dollars and it peruses as follows because of the above assurance meaning the assurance of not absolutely jobless you have been o

Monday, June 8, 2020

An Organization with many Different Member Nations - 1100 Words

An Organization with many Different Member Nations (Essay Sample) Content: NameInstructorCourseDateInternational organizationsIntroductionSovereign state is an independent territory with its own people, land, and a ruling government with the powers to control it. There are 195 known sovereign states defined by their independence and ability to relate without interfering with internal affairs of each other.An international organization is an association which has its membership, extend and, occupancy internationally. Sovereign states are the core members of the most international organizations (Archer 114). Though they are termed as independent, they are forced by the challenges they face day by day to join this international organizations. The organization exists in two types; 1 International nongovernmental organization- it is an organization with many different member nations which is not operated or dependent of the government. Some of international organizations in this category include care international, amnesty international, and Oxfa m international. 2 Intergovernmental organization also known as an international governmental organization-it is an organization which is fully controlled and dependent of government with members from different nations. It includes; United Nations which its open to all states at peace and are willing and ready to follow the rules of the organization, world bank, Islamic development bank, and North Atlantic Treaty organization(Davis and Woodward 1).Development, nature and intersection of the global organization, international organization and regional organization between and within the sovereign statesAn international non-government organization in sovereign states, administers those services the state is not capable or ready to give to its citizens. It acts very fast on incidences of natural calamities or those critical situations that need quick help. It is among those international organizations which respond quickly to those acts in line with the mission and vision of the organi zation. It depends on soft power; do not depend on politics and can enhance its power by linking with other international non-governmental organizations.In case of finance, some of the international non-governmental organizations are privately funded while others are partially funded by the government and in terms of membership; some allow all people to join while others have their membership closed, that is, they allow only specific nations to join. They are developed so as to stop bad moral practices, help in dispute settlement, to teach the public on international relations, and to deal with those issues states are not able or willing to serve their citizens.The international non-governmental organizations are grouped according to the work they do. We have those which deal with many different projects, children and young people especially youth, health, human rights, education sector, environmental activities and challenges and finally those which deal with religious activities. Their core principles in the world includes; act on social welfare, deal with the rights of an individual person, ready to volunteer in case of an emergency, act on citizenship in the whole world and act on replacing or changing the outdated traditions, values or any issues which may not be in line with the human rights.Some of the international governmental organizations have different missions while others have specific work depending with the nature of the organization. This type of international organization is categorized into the following types; 1 Global organization-allows all nations from all over the world which meets the set membership requirements to join (Tsedal 476). 2 Regional organization-membership is open only to nations of a certain region may it be a continent or nation. Its mission is serving a certain region in a certain continent, or nation and not the whole of it. This is because the issue to be addressed may be affecting a certain ethnic group or places. 3 Educational organization-it deals with issues on higher levels of education. 4 Economic organization-deals with financial activities or activities associated with the business. 5 Health and population organization-it deals with activities and challenges facing these sectors. 6 Linguistic, history, religion, cultural and ethnic organization-it allows only those nations from a particular linguistic, historical, religion, cultural and ethnic backgrounds to join.On the above six examples shows that global organization and regional organization are types of international governmental organizations, therefore, they are in general, international organizations. This means that, they are the same thing.The intergovernmental organizations are different in terms of work they carry, the procedure of membership and the membership requirements in general (Boehmer and Nordstrom 283). They are developed in such a way that, some are for disputes determination while others are formed so as to maintai n peace, improve international mutual efforts, encourage human rights, to improve education and health care, to support people in need and for economic growth. This type of international organization is formed in cooperation by the sovereign states so as to help in case where there is conflict by providing a forum for negotiation, during discussion of issues make it affordable for each member state, provide the states with the required information and changing thinking perspective of state in some activities.Due to the globalization, the number of global organization, international organization and regional organizations will continue to increase where there are international relations within political, domestic, economic and military sections. The sovereign states decide to join these organizations so as to get the economic benefits, for security purposes, democracy improvement and for polit...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Bitcoin the Cryptocurrency Stimulating Global Economic...

Bitcoin the Cryptocurrency: Stimulating Global Economic Growth Bitcoin is a form of digital currency that is similar to physical cash stored in a digital form. It is the first fully implemented cryptocurrency protocol utilizing an open source peer-to-peer payment system. As a transfer protocol, it fundamentally functions as a money transfer medium that sends bitcoins from user to user without the need of a third-party intermediary and the system is protected by peer-reviewed cryptographic algorithms. This cryptographic digital currency simultaneously provides users a method to exchange money for free or a nominal fee, which is mutually beneficial for retailers and consumers. The main concern is that it can be used for illegal activities†¦show more content†¦As a result, these retailers often pass the cost onto the consumers. Bitcoin helps tackle the problem, not only by lowering the transaction fee, but also by splitting it between the consumer and the retailer. Retailers accepting Bitcoin can immediately convert it to dollars and the t ransactions either occur with no fees or very low fees (down to fractions of pennies) which lead to higher profit margins. This should be partially reflected in a decrease in the cost of the goods purchased with bitcoins. For consumers, it means faster payments than cash, credit, and debit transactions. Paying with bitcoins also spares the consumer possible ATM transaction fees. Bitcoin’s transactions either occur with no fees or very low fees (down to fractions of pennies). Bitcoin has also positively impacted international remittance. The money is currently handled by several intermediaries â€Å"banks, wire services, and currency exchanges all take their cut. A recent report by BusinessWeek noted that the average fee for remittances was 9 percent of the money transferred, with conversion to cash often costing an extra 5 percent. Western Unions profit margins are enormous for an intermediary, nearly 16 percent, and most of its costs are devoted to the technologies moving money from one place to another, guaranteeing the legitimacy of the transfer. In short, Western Union spends and earns billions to do what Bitcoin does for free†Show MoreRelatedBitcoin the Cryptocurrency909 Words   |  4 PagesBitcoin the Cryptocurrency: Stimulating Global Economic Growth Bitcoin is a technologically innovative solution for some common economic issues as well as fraud and identify theft. This cryptographic digital currency simultaneously provides users a method to exchange money for free or a nominal fee which is mutually beneficial for retailers and consumers. Bitcoin digital currency is similar to physical cash stored in a digital form. It is the first fully implemented cryptocurrency protocol utilizing

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Odysseus as a Tragic Hero - 2449 Words

Nearly every story in Greek mythology revolves around a character with a certain outstanding attribute, be it strength, intellect, or even musical talent. Heroes such as this might spend their lives questing for kleos, or the myth might simply be a tale in which the hero was trying to accomplish a certain task, such as returning home or rescuing a lover from Hades. In every case, these heroic tales would always end with tragedy; the hero would be killed by a jealous lover, go mad, or have a loved one taken away from him. However, one Greek hero existed whose story did not end with tragedy: Odysseus. Homers The Odyssey is unique among all other Greek myths in that it is the only story in which the hero does not meet a tragic end; why†¦show more content†¦The two friends are extremely close to one another and are comfortable with simply sitting and singing together, away from the battle that Achilles has left. However, unlike Achilles, Heracles actually has more than one of these close companions throughout his adventures. Heracless first and most important male companion was Hylas, with whom he traveled until the journey of Jason and the Argonauts. The relationship between the two has even been described as ‘homoerotic, they were so close to one another. For example, after Hylas goes missing in the story, Herakles reacted with passionate anguish (‘sweat poured down over his temples, and within his innards the dark blood boiled, sang Apollonius) (Buxton 111). In fact, after Hylas is lost, Herakles chooses to abandon Jasons quest for the Golden Fleece and continue searching for his beloved companion in vain. Another companion of Heracles, Iolaos, travels with and helps him during many of his labors. Heracles had many more of these companions as well, says Plutarch (Buxton 176). However, while both Achilles and Heracles had one or more close male companions, Odysseus had none, and traveled alone for much of his story. There is yet one more difference between Odysseus and the other two heroes which may help to find the reason why his tale does not endShow MoreRelatedOdysseus As An Epic Hero As A Tragic Hero811 Words   |  4 Pagesadmired for great achievements†. The Odyssey written by Homer is home to Odysseus, the original epic hero. The typical features of an epic hero or heroic epic are strength, loyalty, courage, and intelligence. Odysseus not only fulfills the requirements but also goes above and beyond. On his way home to Ithaca Odysseus faces many challenges, and with each solution, we see why he is considered an epic hero. A trait that Odysseus embodies to the fullest is intelligence. His wittiness and eloquence haveRead MoreSimilarities Between Odysseus And Macbeth1357 Words   |  6 Pagesdifferences between Homer’s Odysseus and Shakespeares Macbeth. 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Throughout the story, Odysseus relies on his smarts, rather than strength to overcome each obstacle. He has the essential qualities of a Heroic leader s uch as being brave, strong, noble, mighty, but instead his intelligence makes OdysseusRead MoreThe Epic Of Gilgamesh And Odysseus1497 Words   |  6 Pagesliterature, the character Gilgamesh from The Epic of Gilgamesh and Odysseus from The Odyssey by Homer can be compared by their similar journeys and differing heroic qualities. PURPOSE STATEMENT Through careful research and reasoning, Odysseus and Gilgamesh can be seen as both similar and differing characters because of their choices and changes throughout their journeys. INTRODUCTION Gilgamesh, the famous hero of The Epic of Gilgamesh and Odysseus from The Odyssey are found to be similar. Some say that TheRead MoreThe Role Of Changing Perception Of The Hero1137 Words   |  5 Pagesthe changing perception of the hero Who is a hero? How does the definition of a hero change over time? The Epic of Gilgamesh is perhaps the â€Å"longest and greatest literary composition written in cuneiform Akkadian† (Dalley 39) and told to an audience, while The Odyssey, and Oedipus the King came many centuries later. However, they all have a hero that represents the values of the society at the time. This paper is going to compare and contrast the ideal of the hero from ancient Mesopotamia in GilgameshRead MoreOdysseus As The Epic Hero In Homers Odyssey1019 Words   |  5 PagesOdysseus as the Epic Hero in Homer’s The Odyssey A style of work often explored in Greek literature is that of the epic. An expansive poem of a wide scope centered on and regarding the wondrous deeds of the main, heroic figure, on whose actions depend the fate of a nation. The definition of an epic can be used to describe The Odyssey by Homer. In The Odyssey we are introduced to our main character, Odysseus, the former king of Ithaca and a Trojan war hero who has been trapped on an Island by theRead MoreEpic Heroes : The Characteristics Of Odysseus1105 Words   |  5 Pageshim because he a hero. An epic hero is an ancient mythological character that endeavors quests, and gets admired by his people from the great achievements. Commonly, epic heroes would share similar characteristics which define them as one. Characteristics of epic heroes can be compared between different famous epics. Odysseus fits the criteria of an epic hero because he embodies the cultural values of perseverance, courage, and being loyal to his family and cre w. Initially, Odysseus undergoes tasksRead MoreThor and the Odyssey Essay1198 Words   |  5 Pagesfather’s thrown. Similarly, the Odyssey is about Odysseus’ long journey back to his kingdom after the Trojan War. Thor and the Odyssey are very alike; but great hardship and historical literature reveals a contrast. Both narratives compare as timeless tales of reputable heroes. They both include similar plots of long journeys back home. The main characters’ flaws are arrogance which is the source of many of their troubles. Thor and Odysseus’ biggest character flaw is arrogance. Their arrogance

Public Relation Media and Graphic Specialist

Question: Discuss about thePublic Relationfor Media and Graphic Specialist. Answer: Media Release For Immediate Release Date: Media Contact Media and Graphic Specialist Ph. No: 3% Low Rate of Resignation in Teaching Forces, Says MOE Straits Times, Oct, 3, 2016: Around 5000 teachers of Singapore have resigned from the post in last five years due to the extreme workload, family issues or tendency of enjoying the flavor of different job structure. With the effective initiative of Ministry of Education, the total rate of resignation has been decreased up to 3%. The ministry of education stated in an occasion the annual resignation rate of teachers has "remained low at around 3 per cent. Despite the effective initiative of MOE, the issue has not been resolved. The institutes still received resignation mail from the teaching force around 400 to 500 every year. In this kind of situation, MOE is trying their best to reduce the rate of resignation from the institutions of Singapore. Straits Times has communicated with 12 teachers already in order to know the issue of teachers facing at the workplace. Based on the issues, the authority has focused to hire trained teachers within the institutions so that they can have the capability of handling work pressure. Reference List: Chen, Y., Liu, Y., Zhang, J. (2012). When do third-party product reviews affect firm value and what can firms do? The case of media critics and professional movie reviews.Journal of Marketing,76(2), 116-134. Howard, A. (2012). Media release.