Monday, June 8, 2020

An Organization with many Different Member Nations - 1100 Words

An Organization with many Different Member Nations (Essay Sample) Content: NameInstructorCourseDateInternational organizationsIntroductionSovereign state is an independent territory with its own people, land, and a ruling government with the powers to control it. There are 195 known sovereign states defined by their independence and ability to relate without interfering with internal affairs of each other.An international organization is an association which has its membership, extend and, occupancy internationally. Sovereign states are the core members of the most international organizations (Archer 114). Though they are termed as independent, they are forced by the challenges they face day by day to join this international organizations. The organization exists in two types; 1 International nongovernmental organization- it is an organization with many different member nations which is not operated or dependent of the government. Some of international organizations in this category include care international, amnesty international, and Oxfa m international. 2 Intergovernmental organization also known as an international governmental organization-it is an organization which is fully controlled and dependent of government with members from different nations. It includes; United Nations which its open to all states at peace and are willing and ready to follow the rules of the organization, world bank, Islamic development bank, and North Atlantic Treaty organization(Davis and Woodward 1).Development, nature and intersection of the global organization, international organization and regional organization between and within the sovereign statesAn international non-government organization in sovereign states, administers those services the state is not capable or ready to give to its citizens. It acts very fast on incidences of natural calamities or those critical situations that need quick help. It is among those international organizations which respond quickly to those acts in line with the mission and vision of the organi zation. It depends on soft power; do not depend on politics and can enhance its power by linking with other international non-governmental organizations.In case of finance, some of the international non-governmental organizations are privately funded while others are partially funded by the government and in terms of membership; some allow all people to join while others have their membership closed, that is, they allow only specific nations to join. They are developed so as to stop bad moral practices, help in dispute settlement, to teach the public on international relations, and to deal with those issues states are not able or willing to serve their citizens.The international non-governmental organizations are grouped according to the work they do. We have those which deal with many different projects, children and young people especially youth, health, human rights, education sector, environmental activities and challenges and finally those which deal with religious activities. Their core principles in the world includes; act on social welfare, deal with the rights of an individual person, ready to volunteer in case of an emergency, act on citizenship in the whole world and act on replacing or changing the outdated traditions, values or any issues which may not be in line with the human rights.Some of the international governmental organizations have different missions while others have specific work depending with the nature of the organization. This type of international organization is categorized into the following types; 1 Global organization-allows all nations from all over the world which meets the set membership requirements to join (Tsedal 476). 2 Regional organization-membership is open only to nations of a certain region may it be a continent or nation. Its mission is serving a certain region in a certain continent, or nation and not the whole of it. This is because the issue to be addressed may be affecting a certain ethnic group or places. 3 Educational organization-it deals with issues on higher levels of education. 4 Economic organization-deals with financial activities or activities associated with the business. 5 Health and population organization-it deals with activities and challenges facing these sectors. 6 Linguistic, history, religion, cultural and ethnic organization-it allows only those nations from a particular linguistic, historical, religion, cultural and ethnic backgrounds to join.On the above six examples shows that global organization and regional organization are types of international governmental organizations, therefore, they are in general, international organizations. This means that, they are the same thing.The intergovernmental organizations are different in terms of work they carry, the procedure of membership and the membership requirements in general (Boehmer and Nordstrom 283). They are developed in such a way that, some are for disputes determination while others are formed so as to maintai n peace, improve international mutual efforts, encourage human rights, to improve education and health care, to support people in need and for economic growth. This type of international organization is formed in cooperation by the sovereign states so as to help in case where there is conflict by providing a forum for negotiation, during discussion of issues make it affordable for each member state, provide the states with the required information and changing thinking perspective of state in some activities.Due to the globalization, the number of global organization, international organization and regional organizations will continue to increase where there are international relations within political, domestic, economic and military sections. The sovereign states decide to join these organizations so as to get the economic benefits, for security purposes, democracy improvement and for polit...

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